

Wilhelmina Randtke <[log in to unmask]>
> MJ Ray,
> OK, ctrl+F did not work, because the email said "for just" but you said
> "just for".  Actually, no two words in your quote were in sequence in the
> email you tried to quote.  So much for ctrl+F.

I don't much like this attempt to Fisk me over putting "a" inside the
quote.  It's also largely beside the point: that a "group for just
women" would be discriminatory and should be Not In Our Name.

ctrl+F is forward-character... not sure what you mean there.
I misquoted "a group for just women" and quoted "gender-specific
issues won't be addressed" which you can see at
and the thread opener said "a small support and discussion group for
just women" and "gender-specific issues won't be addressed"
- most of the words in the quotes are in sequence, and the source text
is readily available too.  Those ideas should be rejected.

> Casual discrimination against women and disabled doesn't mean you get a
> pass to say none of this matters.  Interacting specifically with other
> people who have to live your issues and don't just look at them
> intellectually (this interaction is what the women here are trying to do)
> is not quite the same as denying that other people face issues (what both
> of us have experienced at some point).

I'm not denying there are issues.  I'm saying code4libwomen would be
another issue itself, rather than reducing them - it's a polluted
snake oil cure, making the sickness worse.

Personally, I also think that we shouldn't divide the equality
campaigns up, as we've more similarity than difference, but that's a
different point and it's not awful if we have to continue in silos.

> If it helps, I use Webbie and Thunder to audio browse websites I work on,
> because then I am more likely to notice glaringly obvious things like the
> recaptcha.  But, yeah, going into pretty much any subscription database
> with only audio from a screen reader is a lost cause.

Thanks for your consideration.  I wish you could help open up - I can sign up for many things unaided, but maybe
the Equality Act here means access is slightly better.

MJ Ray
Setchey, Norfolk, England