First... I haven't died, but I got caught up in some a project at work that required all my time the past couple of days. I hope to test Mark's WP plugin tomorrow. (And, just in time, since Wordpress 3.5 seems to be out of beta now too.) Second, the Code4Lib Journal founders looked at OJS in 2007. We liked it, but the decision was to go with WordPress. In the future, we may try another approach. Tom On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Ed Sperr <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > Instead of maintaining a custom codebase to try and force WP to do what > you want, why not just use a tool purpose-built for this kind of job? The > open-source, "Open Journal Systems" from PKP might be a good fit: > > > Ed Sperr, M.L.I.S. > Copyright and Electronic Resources Officer > St. George's University > [log in to unmask] > > ______________________________________________________________________ > This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service. > For more information please visit > ______________________________________________________________________ >