

On 12/2/2012 9:19 PM, Esmé Cowles wrote:
> I think this raises some interesting questions about community and
> appropriate use of the code4lib name.  I just took a look at the
> code4lib reddit and there were comments from a handful of people.  If
> a handful of people want to create some new channel and call it
> code4lib, is that OK?

It always has been up to now, it's how every single part of code4lib was 
created. So it's how we got here.

> Who decides that?

That handful of people do.

> Does it matter if it's part
> of something like reddit, that is seriously at odds with our budding
> anti-harassment policy?

I think it's far from clear that a code4lib subreddit is inherently at 
odds with an anti-harrasment policy (OR more importantly, at odds with 
our desire to be a comfortable place for all sorts of people including 
people from disadvantaged groups, which is more important than any 
particular policy).

But of course not everyone will agree on this, perhaps I am wrong.   I'd 
suggest that if you think someone is doing is something with the 
code4lib name you find harmful to code4lib, you bring it up with them, 
either in private or in public, whatever you prefer.

I think it's more productive to discuss this in concrete than in 
abstract. I don't think we need some general policy or beucrocracy on 
who can use the code4lib name, we've never had one before. But instead 
of that, what we have is the ability to discuss _any particular use_ 
that people don't like -- so if you don't like the group on reddit, 
let's talk about THAT, specifically.

If the general consensus seems to be that there shouldn't be a code4lib 
reddit area, then I suspect the people who created it will get rid of 
it. That's always happened before. If they don't, then the community can 
decide what we should do to distance that from code4lib (which we'd have 
to do anyway with non-compliant folks even if we had a policy and 
beurocracy over who was allowed to use the name).

So if this is not just hypothetical but you actually are concerned about 
it, please do bring it up in a separate thread on the list, or start by 
contacting the folks who created the reddit thing off-list, whatever you 