

I'm sitting at the hotel waiting for my airport shuttle and I'm looking
over the list of great presentations that were given at the conference this
year. Thanks to all the presenters and the hosts. As always, code4lib was a
fun, engaging and inspiring event.

Karen Coyle's nerd poetry was a fun idea from out of left field.  I decided
to give it a try while I wait for the shuttle. I believe her idea was to
write poetry about coding, but I was inspired by the proximity of
Valentine's day to instead write a cheesy love poem in code.

if (roses == 'red' && love == True):
    print 'Hello My Darling'

See you all next year...I hope.


Joshua Gomez
Digital Library Programmer Analyst
George Washington University Libraries
2130 H St, NW Washington, DC 20052
(202) 994-8267