

I don't see any reason to not list repos that contain library code.  I
wasn't really aiming for the Wikipedia style canonical listing, so the more
links the better.


On Saturday, February 16, 2013, Jason Ronallo wrote:

> Pat,
> While my library has an institutional account we currently use for
> private repos, we have released some code which is maintained under
> individual accounts. The code in the individual repositories is
> copyright North Carolina State University, but isn't included under
> the institutional account. It might be that in the future we release
> some code through the institutional account, but have not yet.
> There are good reasons why this might be the case for other
> institutions as well. For instance an institution could allow code to
> be released but not want to take on responsibility for maintaining it.
> While our library is sharing some code through individuals and their
> accounts, I wonder if listing individual accounts like this is out of
> scope for the page you've created? Would it be worth it to create a
> page that lists individual accounts of code4libbers? Are there other
> ways to find code released by code4lib folks?
> Jason
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Patrick Berry <[log in to unmask]<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > First, to the organizations doing this, thank you so much for sharing.
>  I'm
> > sure I'm not the only person to notice the growth in code sharing,
> > especially through Github.
> >
> > As we're associated with libraries, I thought it might be good to have a
> > list, no matter how incomplete, of libraries sharing code.  As you might
> > imagine Google searches for library or libraries tend be full of code
> > libraries instead of Libraries with code.  Go figure...
> >
> >
> >
> > As with all wiki pages, please do add what isn't there.  Unless it's
> links
> > to cheap prescription pills or something.  Don't do that.
> >
> > I will admit that originally this page was titled "Libraries with Github
> > Organizations" but I quickly realized that the first response would point
> > out the painfully obvious fact that you can share code without Github.
> >  Yes, I was aware of that before I started the page but I'll @blame
> jetlag
> > and CST.
> >
> > Pat (the one from Chico)