

FYI before you vote on the conference proposals.

The Austin proposal states:  "The idea is to keep that great energy that is
generated at SXSWi rolling on through to the end of the Code4Lib conference
as well as connecting 2 communities that have a lot in common, but rarely
have the chance to meet."

I have gone to SxSW Interactive the past two years and I plan to continue
going in the future.  I highly recommend it.  However, attempting to attend
both SXSW Interactive and the ERL/code4lib mashup would be difficult. Here
would be the potential schedule:

Thursday March 6 Fly to Austin
Friday March 7 SXSW Interactive day 1
Saturday March 8 SXSW Interactive day 2
Sunday March 9 SXSW Interactive day 3
Monday March 10 SXSW Interactive day 4
Tuesday March 11 SXSW Interactive day 5

Wednesday March 12 nothing
Thursday March 13 nothing
Friday March 14 nothing
Saturday March 15 nothing
Sunday March 16 nothing

Monday March 17 ERL day 1
Tuesday March 18 ERL day 2
Wednesday March 19 ERL day 3 / code4lib precons
Thursday March 20 code4lib day 1
Friday March 21 code4lib day 2
Saturday March 22 code4lib day 3 / fly home

There are a few options here:
1) Fly to TX March 6, and stay there for 16  more days! <-- I suppose you
can fill out the interval between Interactive and ERL by attending the SXSW
Music Festival (March 12-16)
2) Fly home after Interactive and fly back to Austin 4 days later (6 if you
skip ERL)
3) Skip going to either Interactive or code4lib

I don't foresee any of these options keeping the energy from Interactive
rolling through code4lib.  Cross pollination between groups is a great
idea, but trying to append 3 conferences to each other sounds exhausting to


Joshua Gomez
Digital Library Programmer Analyst
George Washington University Libraries
2130 H St, NW Washington, DC 20052
(202) 994-8267