

Hi, I'm not sure if you're really looking for a diff tool, so I'll just
shout an answer to a question that I think you might be asking. I use a
variation of the script posted here:

for watching a web page for changes. I mostly only ever use this for
watching for new artifacts to appear in Maven Central (because refreshing
a web page is pretty dull "work").

Hope this helps.

HARDY POTTINGER <[log in to unmask]>
University of Missouri Library Systems
"Do you love it? Do you hate it? There it is, the way you made it."
--Frank Zappa

On 4/23/13 3:24 PM, "Wilhelmina Randtke" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I would like to compare versions of a website scraped at different times
>see what paragraphs on a page have changed.  Does anyone here know of a
>tool for holding two files side by side and noting what is the same and
>what is different between the files?
>It seems like any simple script to note differences in two strings of text
>would work, but I don't know a tool to use.
>-Wilhelmina Randtke