

To my understanding, FAST is a simplified subset of LCSH that is compatible with the LCSH dictionary.

Am I wrong? If so, please let me know. It will take me about 10 minutes to change my app from FAST back to the official LOC API.

Josh Welker

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Ross Singer
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 5:14 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] LOC Subject Headings API

Do FAST headings match anything?

I guess what I mean is, do you have data that uses FAST headings?  If not, what is it matching?


On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Joshua Welker wrote:

> I finished the project. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions!
> I ended up using the OCLC Fast API 
> (
> rather than saving everything locally. Tracking down the entire LCSH 
> authority listing and parsing it into a simple data format was just 
> unwieldy.
> The search box I built suggests the LCSH terms from OCLC as well as 
> LibGuides and LibraryH3lp FAQ links. jQuery UI Autocomplete is used 
> for the suggestion functionality. The search box send actual searches 
> to EBSCO Discovery Service. You can see it below on our homepage:
> Josh Welker