

We are using the service of journaltocs. For each journal in our catalog our users subscribe to, we save the RSS feed weekly and compare it with the RSS feed of the week before. If there are new publications we will mail a formatted overview of new titles using an xslt.
It is a very popular service. 


Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPete

Op 24 jun. 2013 om 23:07 heeft "Larson, Catherine" <[log in to unmask]> het volgende geschreven:

> Hello all,
> Has anyone used PubMed to create a table of contents service?
> We're looking for a way to search what's new in journals and then set it
> up to email specific individuals. The idea is similar to products such as
> JournalTOCs ( but we are looking for
> other suggestions or ideas.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Catherine Larson
> Web Services Librarian
> NYU Health Sciences Libraries