


    Hi there Code4Libbers. I've taught a wee distance course on choosing an Open Source Integrated Library System twice in the last year. I like to update my course materials, cause hey, I could be lazy, but I'm not. This is where you all come in. :D

    I initially selected 4 different systems to explore: Koha, Evergreen, OPALS, and Kuali OLE. I'm seriously considering dumping the last two, but I'm struggling to try and suss out replacements. I liked OPALS as a school library option. I also kind of like it as an antithesis: If you have to beg for the code, is it really open source? Kuali just seems to be taking ages, even though it has strong academic support.

    So what are folks keen on these days for their open source catalogues and stuff? Feel free to send me random rants or reviews, and in especial academic junk.
