

Applications are invited for the appointment of a Research Data Services
Librarian/Manager in the Li Ka Shing Library, Singapore Management University.

Singapore Management University Library will be developing a research data
service within its Scholarly Communication unit. The position holder will be
responsible for strategically developing and building research data services
in support of SMU researchers' needs to manage, preserve and provide access to
their own and other data sets. The Research Data Service provides support for
acquisition of data sets, organization, access and use of primary and
secondary data resources, data extraction and research data stewardship.

The Research Data Services Librarian will work collaboratively with faculty,
students, and staff throughout SMU to help them with their research data
management planning process. He/She will design, develop
and maintain appropriate systems and infrastructure needed to support research
data curation and access services in collaboration with relevant units of the
university and the library.

More details about the position is available at

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