

Ben, Yes, I copied from the browser URIs, and that was sloppy. However, 
it was the quickest thing to do, plus it was addressed to a human, not a 
machine. The URI for the LC entry is there on the page. Unfortunately, 
the VIAF URI is called "Permalink" -- which isn't obvious.

I guess if I want anyone to answer my emails, I need to post mistakes. 
When I post correct information, my mail goes unanswered (not even a 
"thanks"). So, thanks, guys.


On 11/6/13 12:47 AM, Ben Companjen wrote:
> Karen,
> The URIs you gave get me to webpages *about* the Declaration of
> Independence. I'm sure it's just a copy/paste mistake, but in this context
> you want the exact right URIs of course. And by "better" I guess you meant
> "probably more widely used" and "probably longer lasting"? :)
> LOC URI for the DoI (the work) is without .html:
> VIAF URI for the DoI is without trailing /:
> Ben
> <- me
> <- about me
> On 05-11-13 19:03, "Karen Coyle" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Eric, I found an even better URI for you for the Declaration of
>> Independence:
>> Now that could be seen as being representative of the name chosen by the
>> LC Name Authority, but the related VIAF record, as per the VIAF
>> definition of itself, represents the real world thing itself. That URI is:
>> I noticed that this VIAF URI isn't linked from the Wikipedia page, so I
>> will add that.
>> kc

Karen Coyle
[log in to unmask]
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet