The ALCTS Metadata Interest Group seeks proposals for presentations for the program "Metadata Beyond the Library: Consultation and Collaboration with Faculty, Staff and Students" at the ALA Annual Meeting 2014 in Las Vegas, NV. This program is scheduled on Saturday, June 28, 2014 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Presentations are 30 minutes in total -- 20 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for questions. This program will discuss ways in which metadata experts can share expertise beyond traditional library settings. Presenters may discuss: - Examples of successful metadata consulting initiatives with their constituent communities - Examples of training sessions, workshops, boot camps to share metadata expertise - Other venues for deploying metadata expertise outside the library All presentations at ALA Annual Las Vegas 2014 will be recorded. Speaker agreements will be forwarded to all speakers and will require consent for video recording. The deadline for proposals is December 9, 2013. Proposals may be submitted through this form: If you have any difficulties with this form, please feel free to submit your proposals directly by email to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Thank you! ALCTS Metadata Interest Group Programming Chairs: Ivey Glendon, University of Virginia Santi Thompson, University of Houston