

Hi everyone -

I'm here to ask for your help. PLA is working to offer an Introductory
Python workshop at the PLA conference in March. We'll be following the
model used by the Boston Python community, that has been successfully
implemented at ALA, and Carli Spina has graciously agreed to serve as the
workshop's facilitator.

All we need now are the participants. I'm hoping I can lean on you,
Code4Lib to help me identify and recruit people to take the class. Do you
have a colleague who's expressed an interest in programming, but has never
taken the leap? Is there a public library that could really be doing more
with its data? We need more people from the public library field involved
in this, so I'm casting the net as wide as possible.

Additionally, if you're planning to be in Indianapolis on March 11, we need
people to serve as TAs. let me know if you can help out.

Toby Greenwalt
PLA Conference Planning Committee