

Hi Karen,

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 6:40 PM, Karen Coyle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I would still prefer something memorable at this stage.

The 'lexical', and therefore more memorable, URIs based on the English
label will always resolve to the canonical URI. If the lexical label
changes, but the semantics don't change, both the old and new lexical URIs
will still resolve to the same canonical URI. Of course if both the label
and the semantics change, then then it's a new property and gets a new URI.

We think that what's urgently needed is a far, far better html
representation of the vocabularies: one that makes it obvious that humans
can guess mnemonically at a resolvable URI from the label, bearing in mind
that this will (hopefully) cause machines (and browsers) to follow the
inevitable redirect to the canonical URI. We're actively working on that
better representation.
