

The Metadata Form Creation System (MFCS) is WVU Libraries answer for providing an easy to use interface for librarians, staff, and students for entering metadata and uploading digital items for our digital collections. MFCS is also our archival and preservation system. 

The heart of MFCS is the form builder (Demonstrated in Video 2). The Form Builder allows metadata librarians and adminsitrators to create forms by dragging and dropping fields and then defining the behaver of those form fields via a web interface. No programming required. 

More information is available on the GitHUB page:

I broke the screen casts into two videos. The first Video demonstrates the using metadata forms, uploading files, and revision control. The second video demonstrates building the forms in the form creator. 

MFCS offers much more than is demonstrated in these videos. Statistics, searching, permissions, watermarks, and more are all topics for later videos.   

Video 1, Metadata Entry Demo:

Video 2, Form Building Demo:


Michael Bond
WVU Libraries