


The NDSA Innovation Working Group is pleased to launch the Digital Stewardship Innovation Ideas (DSII) Challenge. 

This is your chance to get out in front of the pack with an idea outside the box.. or at least outside current realities.  It's just about ideas, big ideas or creative ideas, for how we can meet the challenges of digital stewardship. So don't worry if it's something you yourself could tackle or not ---  just take a few minutes to jot it down and share it.


The Digital Stewardship Innovation Ideas (DSII) Challenge

Submit an Innovative Idea


The DSII Challenge aims to encourage and spur innovation in the digital stewardship community, particularly in improving the longevity of preservation systems and media. The Challenge is open to anyone and everyone from industry, government, and academia.


Challenge Application Entry Requirements

Each submission must specifically propose an innovative idea related to one of the following research priorities of the 2014 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship (available at


·         Applied Research for Cost Modeling and Audit Modeling

·         Understanding Information Equivalence and Significance

·         Policy Research on Trust Frameworks

·         Preservation at Scale

·         The Evidence Base for Digital Preservation


The submission shall meet the minimal requirements listed below:



How to Participate

To submit an idea, go to this website, and click the “new idea” button. You will then be asked to add a title (64 characters or less) and description.   You will also have the option to add tags to the idea:



  1. Title (64 characters or less)

What is your idea?  Be as specific as possible.


  1. Description (500 words):

Use this area to explicitly address each of the following:

Digital Stewardship Research Area Addressed in Your Idea.

What makes this idea innovative?

Who would benefit and how?

What risks, uncertainties, or costs would make it challenging to expand this idea?

Do you have a non-text representation (image, audio, video) of this idea that would be useful to help explain it?  If so, please include a URL where it can be viewed.



How the Challenges Will Be Recognized

The Innovation Working Group will present the best of the challenge ideas at the Digital Preservation 2014 meeting, and solicit views on how the challenge might become reality in the future.