


Don't major in Library Science. As an undergrad degree it's worthless and you'll just have to take the same type of courses for a Masters. You'll miss the chance to broaden your skill set. As an undergrad either major in IT, CS, CE or the like and then minor in something in the Humanities. Something with plenty of writing and speaking. Good communication skills are essential in all professional positions. Or you could do the opposite, major in something in the Humanities and minor in something that will cover networks, coding, databases, and so on. 

As for scholarships, talk to your HS guidance counselor. They often have access to lots of resources. Also talk to the admissions and student aid office at the college, if they want you they'll often be willing to help you. Community colleges often have great resources for scholarship info, if you have access to one take advantage of them. Your local public library may have a strong collection in that area, wouldn't hurt to ask. As a junior you have some time to investigate. It's good you've started school visits. Your local public library or school may offer test prep courses for free. If you are taking the SAT again this Fall it might be worthwhile to take advantage of this.

Have fun with the process, its work, but it is exciting, so many possibilities to choose from.

David Bigwood
[log in to unmask]
Lunar and Planetary Institute


-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Riley Childs
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 12:17 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] College Question!

I was planing to major in CS or CE, but I am not sure. At c4l I was told by several people to not major in LS, some people said I need a masters from a university, some said an online degree would work. I am really not sure, hopefully more peope will pickup this thread in the morning!

Riley Childs
IT Admin
email: [log in to unmask]
office: +1 (704) 537-0031 x101
cell: +1 (704) 497-2086