

Iıll +1 the suggestion for a separate list for jobs.  My personal reasons:

1.  I receive the digest version of the code4lib emails (once daily), so I
canıt easily split just jobs into their own folder in my mail program
since itıs all one file.  I donıt really want to start parsing and
splitting the file.  Thanks, though.

2.  I like receiving the digest version of the email which means Iım
reminded to scan through the single email I receive once a day for topics
of interest or discusion and Iım not distracted by email notifications and
other things all day when Iım trying to concentrate through what are
already way too many daily interruptions.  (Yeah, I know going to its own
folder keeps it out of the inbox stream, but there is still the
irresistable pull and the mail notifier and other things and I tend to
never look at things hidden away in a quarantined folder, ever.)

3. Jobs are generally not topics of interest for me since most are from
other places in the country and Iım not at all interested in moving
somewhere else for a job right now even if I were looking, so a good
portion of the listings are just extra noise that I donıt really care

4.  I find arguments to the effect of "I love looking at jobs² orthoginal
to the discussion since weıre not talking about disallowing job postings,
but just moving them to a separate list.  Anyone who is interested enough
in jobs could also add a separate jobs list to go to their daily email
inbox, so Iım not sure how it would be a loss of all jobs emails they
like.  I suppose this argument essentially comes down to the same kind of
argument as the pro-email-filter one.  Basically that argument is, ³just
do something different to receive the emails you want the way you want
them.²  But in this case the argument is coming right back at you from the
other direction of suggting a separate email list.

5.  Honestly, after all these reasons, I donıt really care so much and to
me itıs a minor annoyance rather than a pressing problem, but I wanted to
put out an alternate viewpoint to the oft repeated ³why donıt you just use
this filtering solution that works for me.²  Sorry, thatıs not a solution
I love, for whatever idiosyncratic reasons about the way I work.

Probably nothing is going to make everyone happy, so, no big deal,
whatever happens.  I guess thatıs an argument for the status quo since it
seems like itıs one of those things like favorite colors that not everyone
is going to agree on and weıll never resolve.