

Thx Eric for sharing with code4lib-rarians what we started discussing during "Italian lectures on semantic web and linked data" [1] and in following emails.

My experience about VIAFid and ISNI began when Paola Manoni (BAV) suggested me and my cataloguers at Pontificia Università della Santa Croce to add standard IDs to our authority records (personal names).
Since we are using Koha [2], I wrote a simple but powerful tool/plugin that queries and suggests VIAFid and ISNI to store them in the authority record.
It shows a comparison between ISBNs used in our catalog and ISBNs used by ISNI to cluster works under the same name. A comparison with titles is shown as well.
Clicking a button, the cataloger adds ISNI and VIAF IDs to the authority record (MARC21, 024 subfield 2 and subfield a).

We choose to store only VIAFid and ISNI because we consider them as important IDs. Other IDs can be retrieved starting from them in many ways: offers a record view that contains only links [3] and services like Sameas [4] or sparql endpoints like DBpedia can be used too.

When a good collection will be formed, we plan to publish our authority records in RDF. Triples with VIAF or ISNI URIs and the property "owl:sameAs" will therefore be very important to build links in the cloud of linked data.

Bye. Stefano

[3] (an example)

On 04/giu/2014, at 20.34, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

> ORDID and ResearcherID and Scopus, oh my!
> It is just me, or are there an increasing number of unique identifiers popping up in Library Land? A person can now be identified with any one of a number of URIs such as:
>  * ORCID -
>  * ResearcherID -
>  * Scopus -
>  * VIAF -
>  * LC -
>  * ISNI -
> At least these identifiers are (for the most part) “cool”. 
> I have a new-to-me hammer, and these identifiers can play a nice role in linked data. For example:
>  @prefix dc: <> .
>  <> dc:creator
>    "" ,
>    "" ,
>    "" ,
>    "" .
> How have any of y’all used theses sorts of identifiers, and what problems do you think you will be able to solve by doing so? For example, I know of a couple of instances where these sort of identifiers are being put into MARC records. 
> —
> Eric Morgan

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