

Version 2 of the iipmooviewer also works with static dzi/deepzoom see under
protocols in the readme):

It also has some support for annotations & "image blending" which may cover
your layering use-case.

On 26 Jul 2014 07:58, "Toke Eskildsen" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Code for Libraries [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Jonathan
> Rochkind [[log in to unmask]] wrote:
> > Then I eventually found OpenSeadragon, which a couple other people in
> this thread
> > suggested, which looks like a pretty good fit. It looks like it possibly
> can work with
> > entirely pre-rendered tiles served statically with no image server,
> using the "DZI" format.
> > (  I haven't
> actually gotten to
> > a proof of concept here, but I think it'll work.
> That is what we use for a tool for ad-hoc QA of scanned newspapers:
> (does not require ALTO-files, just
> images). It works very well and fairly simple for a few thousands of
> images, but scaling to millions would probably be problematic due to the
> amount of very small files on the file system making backup and similar
> operations very heavy. We are planning to use OpenSeadragon in production,
> where the image backend will be pyramidal TIFFs wrapped in an image server.
> We do not use annotations but do use overlays. Multiple layers is
> simulated by placing a large transparent PNG as an overlay, but that is
> heavy to render for the browser on 30MP+ pixel images, making zoom somewhat
> choppy. I would not attempt it on 100MP+.
> - Toke Eskildsen