

Hi All,

This is just a quick reminder to register for the Code4Lib NYC event<> (free and open to all) taking place at METRO, September 10, 2:00PM - 4:00PM and also a reminder that if you haven't yet and are interested, to please give your input here<> (or at the google form<>) for a 1-day Code4LibNYC workshop in the Winter. The poll will stay open until the September meeting.

The list of topics and speakers for this upcoming meeting is:

  *   Eric Glass and Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen, librarians at Columbia University, on GeoData@Columbia<>.
  *   Matthew Lipper, a developer for the NYC Department of Planning, on the NYC GeoClient API<> (which I'm personally a huge fan of for metadata enhancement!).
  *   Eric Hellman, president of Gluejar<>, Web Privacy*
  *   Jennifer Anderson, senior UX designer at NYPL, on her work on a rapid prototyping package for NYPL (described as 'kind of our own Twitter Bootstrap').
*please note that Eric Hellman's talk has changed, no doubt in response to easily the most popular discussion topic this month on the Code4Lib listserv.
Hope to see you all there and as mentioned in the first e-mail, for those who can stick around after the meeting, we will decamp to an establishment in the area for drinks and snacks.


Drew Gordon
Systems Librarian
Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health
New York Academy of Medicine | 1216 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY 10029
212.822.7324 |