


A reference librarian solves information problems. If I ask an average librarian how to rip a video, how to convert file formats and videos, or why my files and videos aren't playing; should they be able to help? That's the real question. Should reference librarians know how to create online finding aids? Should reference librarians know how to robot websites to find information? These are very serious questions. Should reference librarians know Unix our Unix-like systems? 

"I'm a librarian, an information professional! Unix, Linux, code, XML, SQL? What's that? I don't need to know that stuff to be an information professional. What do these things have to do with information!"

This is very serious! I think some of us get caught in the idea that we shouldn't force knowledge onto others or make them feel bad about not having it. But if the librarians with the knowledge don't push it, how can we move forward? Hopefully, librarians entering the field will understand that these skills are necessary. If we leave it up to the current culture, I think we will keep making excuses. 


Cornel Darden Jr.  
Library Department Chair
South Suburban College

"Our Mission is to Serve our Students and the Community through lifelong learning."

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 27, 2014, at 9:02 AM, Siobhain Rivera <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm part of the ASIS&T Student Chapter and Indiana University, and we're
> putting together a series of workshops on Unix. We've noticed that a lot of
> people don't seem to have a good idea of why they should learn Unix,
> particularly the reference/non technology types. We're going to do some
> more research to make a fact sheet about the uses of Unix, but I thought
> I'd pose the question to the list - what do you think are reasons
> librarians need to know Unix, even if they aren't in particularly tech
> heavy jobs?
> I'd appreciate any input. Have a great week!
> Siobhain Rivera
> Indiana University Bloomington
> Library Science, Digital Libraries Specialization
> ASIS&T-SC, Webmaster