

I've used framework/language specific groups (e.g. where I
think the broad skill set might be represented, even when I'm not looking
for that specific competency. And local university program job lists
(compsci and ils student job lists at local institutions).


On 10/3/14, 2:52 PM, "Kim, Bohyun" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi all,
>Which non-library job boards would be good to advertise a web developer
>job posting widely? I only have usual suspects (,,
>>, and library listservs so far. So I am hoping to catch
>>some job boards frequented by software developers.
>Any Suggestions? (Local job boards in Maryland, D.C, Virginia would be
>also super helpful; although the position allows remote work so I would
>like to advertise as widely as we can.)
>Thank you!