

Participants from NDSA member organizations are invited to join the demo and discussion of the ePADD Project ( ) from Glynn Edwards and Peter Chan. Glynn is the Head of Technical Services in the Manuscripts division in Stanford Libraries and the Manager of the Born-Digital Program and Peter is a digital archivist at Stanford Libraries. 


This will be the first in a series of demos and presentations to showcase tools available for processing and assessing email archives, which is a follow-on effort from a 8/25/14 online meeting.  Chris Prom wrote a post for The Signal blog about meeting here:


Date: Thursday, November 20th – 2 -3 pm Eastern

Tool: ePADD

Presenters: Glynn Edwards and Peter Chan, Stanford University

Description: The ePADD Project ("Email: Process, Appraise, Discover, Deliver") is using natural language processing and entity extraction tools to build an application that will allow archivists and records creators to review email, then process it for search, display and retrieval. Best of all, the web-based application will include a built-in discovery interface and users will be able to define a lexicon and to provide visual representations of the results. 


Here’s the ePADD project team’s Signal interview from last month.  


Information about how to join the meeting is listed below. Please note: we expect this to be a popular session. Our web conferencing system is limited to the first 100 participants.  We encourage individuals at the same institution to get together and participate via a single login, if possible, to allow for as many participants to join the session.


== To join the meeting =

1.            Go to   

2.            Enter your full name and institution in the text box

3.            Click the “Enter” Room button

4.            Dial 877-299-5123 for audio






Erin Engle

Digital Archivist

Library of Congress

National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program


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Twitter: @ndiipp