

The NDSA Infrastructure working group invites you and your colleagues to a call on the outcomes of the Digital POWRR project. In keeping with our ongoing series of conversations, you can expect about half  the call to be a presentation and the other half to be time for conversation and discussion.

Title: The Digital POWRR Project: What we discovered, what we did about it, and what still needs to be done.

Abstract: Lynne M Thomas and Jaime Schumacher will discuss the outcomes of this IMLS National Leadership Grant project, outline those deliverables that were particularly well-received by the community, identify gaps that have yet to be addressed, and, with the project end-date approaching, seek guidance on the transfer of project-created products that should be maintained and cultivated for the benefit of the wider community.

When: November 18, 2014 at 2pm ET

Call in #: 877-299-5123


Trevor Owens,
Digital Archivist
The Library of Congress