

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 6:58 AM, Galen Charlton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I would like to propose that C4L adopt a policy requiring that consent
> be explicitly given to be photographed or recorded, along the lines of
> a policy adopted by the Evergreen Project. [1]

As a practical matter, this is functionally equivalent to prohibiting
photography except for arranged photos which will need something simple
(like pictures of  cameras and mikes with slashes through them posted
throughout the venue) to communicate the policy. Differential badges,
lanyards, etc will not always be visible, and not all people will notice
them, be aware of what they mean, or can be assumed to be familiar with a
written policy. On an aside note, a lot of activity occurs outside the
official venues and it is in these areas where people might be most
vulnerable to unwanted photos.
