


We've added notes from the February 4 CWG call to the "2015 Planning" section of the Content Working Group wiki space at<>.  (After the meeting we noticed that there were a few comments in the chat space that we missed due to technical difficulties.  We've added these ideas to the wiki for further discussion.)

There seems to be a good amount of interest around projects related to work with content creators, including seeking a better understanding of stakeholders and the development of guidance to improve the archivability of content.  Please feel free to add more of your ideas, for both projects and content area topics you wish to learn more about, either directly to the wiki, or in a response to this email.  There also seemed to be interest in hearing more from members about current projects on which they are working.  If you are willing to give a 5-10 minute talk in an upcoming meeting, please let us know!

And lastly, Abbie shared news that after 5 years of serving as the co-chair of the Content Working Group, she is rotating out of this role.  Abbey Potter will serve as co-chair of the Working Group until a new co-chair is in place.  Many thanks to Abbie for all of the work she has done.

For anyone who missed the meeting (or who would like to listen to it again), a recording of this month's session is available at .  The password is NDSACWG.


Christie Moffatt
Digital Manuscripts Program
History of Medicine Division
National Library of Medicine
Building 38, Room 1E-21
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Phone: 301-496-9136
Fax: 301-402-7034