Hi all,


Thanks again to everyone who participated in our brainstorming session on our 4/20 call. We had a great start to scoping out an NDSA S&P themed poster proposal to submit to iPRES 2015.


For those who couldn't make it, brief notes are here: http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/index.php?title=April_20,_2015_Standards_%26_Practices_Working_Group_Notes


Here are a couple of follow-up items from the call:

--Attached is a one-pager about the UNESCO PERSIST project, which is looking for comments or feedback from NDSA member institutions. This project is looking to hear what some countries are doing about a national approach to digital preservation and what UNESCO to do to encourage member states in the policy and practice domain. Folks interested in commenting can send comments directly from their institution. Please contact Kate or Erin for the contact email.


--Poster project team! Thanks to all who volunteered to work on the iPRES poster proposal. There’s still time to jump in and join the group, so please email Kate, Andrea or Erin if you’d like to participate! We’ll be scheduling a call to refine the proposal and design concept in the next couple of weeks.



--Our next call will be on Monday, May 16 at 1 pm eastern.  Kate, Andrea and I will be looking at drafting an agenda in the next two weeks. If you have suggestions for meeting topics, please let us know!





Erin Engle

Digital Archivist

Library of Congress

National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program


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