3rd Annual New England NDSA Regional Meeting September 25th, 2015 at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth http://brown.edu/go/NENDSA <http://brown.edu/go/NENDSA>http://brown <http://brown/>.edu/go/NENDSA Proposal Deadline: August 7th. About: The 3rd Annual New England NDSA Regional Meeting will take place at the UMass Dartmouth in the Claire T. Carney Library on September 25th, 2015. The meeting will include a series of 10-15 minute presentations in the morning and “unconference” break-out groups in the afternoon. Registration is free and opens on August 14th, when the schedule is announced. Unconference directions will be distributed when registration opens. Proposal instructions: Presentation proposals should be submitted at http://brown.edu/go/NENDSASubmit <http://brown.edu/go/NENDSASubmit> by 5PM EST, August 7th, 2015. We invite submissions on a variety of topics, including but not limited to: Internally and Externally Collaborative Digital Preservation Initiatives: Successes and Failures Trusted Repositories: Risk Analysis, Planning, Audit and Certification Scalability and Automation Metadata Issues for Preservation Processes Business Models and Cost Estimation Personal Archiving Innovation in Digital Preservation: Novel Approaches and Scenarios Training and Education Domain-specific Challenges: Web, GIS, Primary/Scientific/Sensor Data, Governmental & Medical Records Case Studies and Best Practice Reports: Systems, Workflows, Use Cases Data Management and Curation in relation to the long-term preservation and access of data Ontologies and Taxonomies Best, Zac Painter, UMass Dartmouth Kevin Powell, Brown University