

Hello Code4Lib,

I am new to the list and a co-Chair of the Vireo Users Group.  We have an update to share with all of our Vireo users so I am posting to this list to reach as many people as possible.

For those of you who have not yet been introduced, Vireo is a turnkey Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Management System addressing all steps of the ETD process, from submission to publication to preservation. Vireo provides students the ability to submit their digital theses and dissertations via a simple online interface. Graduate offices can use Vireo to manage the ETD submission and approval process.  It was created by the Texas Digital Library which continues to coordinate development and new releases.  More information about this open source system is available at

And now for my update...

I am happy to report that we have received an updated version of the ProQuest Agreement which is available for immediate use.  There are no changes to the terms of the agreement, it has simply been cleaned up to remove language that did not apply to Vireo users and to replace all instances of "UMI" with "ProQuest."   If you refer to UMI in your local documentation, please also update the name to "ProQuest."

The new agreement and additional information is available at

Thank you,

Stephanie Larrison
Electronic Resources Librarian
Texas State University

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