

Heyyyy, C4L!

So, I notice the Code4Lib journal is run on WordPress, and there's this
sweet wiki page
about how it's put together. I have questions!

You see, some things that seem to be working just fine for C4L aren't
working for In the Library With the Lead Pipe (ITLWTLP), which is *also* an
OA journal run on WordPress. We realized fairly recently that only our
first author is showing up in DOAJ (and in the automatically-generated PDF,
but that's a separate issue). Weirder, EBSCO's indexing is showing the
author for every article as ITLWTLP, which, no.

If you'd like to see the issue, here you go (we deliberately haven't fixed
this one, yet, so we can demonstrate what's going on):

   - An article:
   - Its DOAJ XML export:
   shows one author)
   - Its DOAJ info page: (only shows
   one author)
   - I can't link you to EBSCO, because I am not formally affiliated with
   any libraries that have it, but I trust you can find it, if you are.

Compare to C4L:

   - An article: *
   <>* (multiple authors)
   - Its DOAJ info page: (multiple
   - Same deal w/ EBSCO, but I'm told it works fine for C4L.

I notice DOAJ Export is listed on the wiki page. Does C4L still use that?
If so, how do you get it to list multiple authors? It used to, for us, but
it no longer does--maybe unsurprisingly, since it hasn't been updated in
years. (Although our theme is showing its age--we're working on that--we do
generally keep WordPress up to date. :))

Right now, we're working around the DOAJ export issue by editing the XML by
hand after exporting. It's not ideal, but it works.

EBSCO... we don't know why it's doing that. From the directions for
uploading, it looks to me like they try to read our PDF and harvest
metadata from it?

One other note: we let authors do their own posting, and we have a plugin
that allows for multiple authors to be listed on each post. I know
firsthand that C4L's approach is different. I believe ITLWTLP is open to
going with a different approach (e.g. "the editor makes the post and puts
the authors' names into the post text or a custom field") if they really
have to; but the Editorial Board likes offering a convenient link to
everything written by a particular author, as well as giving authors the
ability to respond to comments as logged-in users. So if we can solve it
while still allowing ITLWTLP to use that plugin, I think that is the
preferred solution. (I'm ITLWTLP's web person, for another couple of
months; I am not an editor.)

That said, a big redesign is coming up, so long-term solutions that look
different than previous approaches could be on the table.

Anyway, if anybody's willing to help me hammer out what's not-broken with
C4L, or alternately what IS broken with ITLWTLP, I'd be super grateful.

Thank you!

- Coral