

I'm only in the early stages of doing this myself -- still going through 
the IRB process, so I haven't formally started collecting data yet.

It looks like what we'll be doing is logging things into a MySQL 
database.  Some of that can happen automatically.  For example, I've 
worked out how to make our EZ Proxy log user names and time whenever 
somebody logs in, and that can be sent into the database automatically 
by running a script via cron job.

Other things will have to be done manually, or partially manually.  Our 
ILS can generate check-out reports in an annoyingly clunky XML format, 
and I can write a script to process that, but somebody will have to 
download the XML file from the ILS and upload it on a regular basis.  
And our lab management program, LabStats, doesn't offer any facility for 
grabbing usage data other than copy-and-pasting from their web 
interface.  Thank goodness for student workers.

After that, the data analyst at the Office of Institutional Research 
will grab the data and analyze it in a stats program.  I can't remember 
which one they use, I'm afraid, but I could check on that if it's 


On 2015-09-18 08:43, Larisa Smyk wrote:
> Hi Will,
> What kind of software your Library use to do so? Or it  is embedded in
> your main data management system?
> Thanks,
> Larisa Smyk
> Library associate
> University of Waterloo, ON Canada