

> but the outside design company told us that this wouldn't be possible.
They said: "It’s really a coding issue. When building a page with
responsive design in mind, the code is going to stack elements almost like
reading a book - top to bottom, left to right to fit the mobile view . . .

Wow, shocked to hear this design firm's response to such a simple and
routine need.

A possible css-only solution creates responsive `.show` and `.hide` classes
for appropriate breakpoints (`.sm-hide`, `.md-show`, etc.), then you apply
the appropriate classes to each of the duplicated html blocks. If you're
building your html from templates this automates nicely.

Worth noting that flexbox's `order` attribute applies to flex container
children and solves this issue, although I'm not recommending that for your
need here (as flexbox isn't currently intended for layout).

Brian Zelip
Emerging Technologies Librarian
Health Sciences & Human Services Library
University of Maryland, Baltimore
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