

The Faceted Subject Access Interest Group provides a forum to discuss the theory and applications related to subject terminology intended for faceted application.  In Boston, we're featuring presentations on training non-catalogers to use FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) and using FAST to guide discovery. There will be plenty of time for discussion, so bring your questions and comments!

Please join us Saturday, January 9, 2016 in the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Room 106, from 4:30-5:30 PM.

ALA Scheduler:


Simplified cataloging for non-catalogers through FAST

Joelen Pastva, Metadata/Catalog Librarian & Interim Database Maintenance Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago

Metadata creation for digital and manuscript collections at the University of Illinois at Chicago is often performed by non-expert catalogers. In past, major obstacles to the consistent use of controlled vocabulary terms were the frustration with the complexity of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and a lack of time and resources to properly train staff to use them. This presentation will summarize the difficulties encountered by non-expert catalogers using LCSH and the analysis and discussion that led to the adoption of FAST as a user-friendly solution. It will also discuss steps taken to convert existing subject headings to FAST, implementation and training efforts, and close with a look at the perceived benefits of switching to FAST for catalogers and for the discovery of UIC's resources.

"I need help and FAST!":  Immediate Guided Search with the assignFAST Gadget
Allison Jai O'Dell, Metadata Librarian, University of Florida

FAST is often used to guide discovery.  Many catalogs suggest FAST headings as limits to refine searches - but this implementation requires that a search has begun.  How can we guide users when they do not yet know what to look for, or when presented with a dauntingly empty search box?  The assignFAST gadget, which autocompletes with suggested headings in the search box, fills this need.  This presentation describes a pilot project at the University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries to create an autocomplete catalog search interface with the assignFAST gadget.  This "fast" solution to guided search requires minimal programming, but has considerable impacts on research and library operations.  Users benefit from targeted search paths, while the library benefits from organized and meaningful search analytics.  This presentation will cover customization of the gadget for a front-end interface, a demonstration of the tool, user feedback, and library applications.

Sarah Wallbank & Susan Wynne, co-chairs, Faceted Subject Access Interest Group

Sarah B. Wallbank
Technical Services Librarian
Clement C. Maxwell Library
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02325
508.531.2665 phone
508.531.1702 fax
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