

                                              [Apologies for cross-posting]


                                                 CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

                                                                iPRES 2016

                The 13th International Conference on Digital Preservation

                                                Bern, Switzerland, October 3-6, 2016


                Workshop, Tutorial and Panel submissions - Deadline: April 1, 2016

Paper and Poster submissions - Deadline: April 15, 2016


iPRES is the premier international conference on the preservation and long

term management of digital materials.

We invite contributions that present original work about research

initiatives and innovative practices in digital preservation and expect that

the contributions will be

                - Leading edge

                - Innovative

                - Effective in informing and promoting the digital preservation


All submissions will be subject to a peer review. Those that are accepted

for inclusion in the conference programme will be published in the iPRES

2016 proceedings. See below for more information on topics, submission

and important dates.

For any questions please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

We look forward to your contributions.


Barbara Signori, General Chair, and the Programme Committee Chairs



We invite original contributions that cover research and practices related

but not necessarily limited to the following topics:

>> Preservation strategies and workflows

                Migration; emulation; preservation planning, acquisition and ingest;

preservation action, characterization, and access provision; risk analysis;

audit, trust and certification; authenticity, security, and information/data


>> Digital preservation frameworks

                Digital preservation requirements and implications for the system

lifecycle: modeling, design, development, deployment and maintenance;

business models, sustainability and economic viability

>> Infrastructure, systems, and tools

                Intelligent and secure storage; system architectures and

requirements, software and hardware dependencies, distributed and

cloud-based implementations; preservation resources; content management,

characterization, and processing tools

>> Domain-specific challenges

                Preservation of cultural heritage, technical and scientific

processes and data, engineering models and simulation, medical records,

corporate processes

>> Case studies, best practices and novel challenges

                Implementations; lessons learnt, preservation at scale; preservation

of distributed and cloud based systems; cross-platform access services

>> Training and education

                Building capacity in novel technologies and practices; curricula

effectiveness; career management, etc.


iPRES 2016 is structured around two key strands:

                1.  research in digital preservation

                2.  innovative practices in digital preservation.

Submissions are invited for both strands, with the goal to promote both the

research initiatives and the preservation practices that are rooted in

digital preservation activities. We expect that some submissions will

encapsulate both strands and they are equally welcomed.

The conference submission site is:

For detailed descriptions of the submission types and acceptance criteria

please visit the conference site:


Submissions that are accepted for inclusion in the conference will appear in

the iPRES 2016 proceedings (in digital form). The proceedings will include:

                -  Full text of the full papers and short papers

                -  Abstracts of the posters, workshops, tutorials and panels

iPRES 2016 will recognize these outstanding contributions:

                -  The best paper, a full or a short paper, will be awarded CHF1,000.-

                -  The best poster will be awarded CHF 500.-


General Chair:                                   Barbara Signori

                                                                Swiss National Library

                                                                [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Programme Chairs:                         Natasa Milic-Frayling,

                                                                University of Nottingham, UK

                                                                [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

                                                                Steve Knight

                                                                National Library of New Zealand

                                                                [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Workshop and Tutorial Chairs:   Barbara Sierman

                                                                Koninklijke Bibliotheek in Den Haag

                                                                [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

                                                                Raivo Ruusalepp

                                                                National Library of Estonia

                                                                [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Poster and Panel Chairs:               Andrea Goethals

                                                                Harvard Library

                                                                [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

                                                                Martin Klein

                                                                Research Library, UCLA

                                                                [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

~~~~~  IMPORTANT DATES  ~~~~~

Papers & Posters

                Full papers, short papers and posters due:           15 April, 2016

                Notification of acceptance:                                         30 May, 2016

                Camera ready (all):                                                          15 July, 2016

Workshops, Tutorials & Panels

                Workshop, tutorial and panel proposals due:      1 April, 2016

                Notification of acceptance:                                         20 April, 2016

                Final workshop, tutorial, panel descriptions:        15 May, 2016


                Conference programme published online:           15 June, 2016


                Early bird registration opens:                                      15 May, 2016

                Early bird registration ends:                                         1 August, 2016


Andrea Goethals
Digital Preservation and Repository Services Manager
Harvard Library
[log in to unmask]
(617) 495-3724