Dear NDSA members:


As announced in early October, the National Digital Stewardship Alliance has selected the Digital Library Federation (DLF), a program of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), to serve as NDSA’s institutional home starting in January 2016.  More about the NDSA transition is here:  


As part of the host responsibilities transition, the NDSA listservs will be migrated and transitioned to new lists hosted by DLF, rather than on the Library of Congress domain. 


If you do not want to migrate to the new list and would like to opt out, send a blank email to [log in to unmask]   with “unsubscribe” in the subject line by Monday, January 5.

We are sending this message out to all of our lists to be sure everyone sees it, so apologies for the duplication.


If you have any questions, please contact Erin Engle or Oliver Bendorf at DLF ([log in to unmask]).





Erin Engle

Library of Congress

[log in to unmask]
