


(Cross-posted on the ICOCL list as well.)

I'm looking for a tool that can help my academic library consortium manage
a small (just over 100 attendees, typically) onsite conference.

We have customised our website's CMS to accommodate most user facing
aspects, such as presenting program information.

But our behind-the-scenes workflows are ductaped out of JotForm (our
forms/surveys tool), Google Sheets, MailChimp, and CSV files. Those who
propose sessions do so by filling in a form in JotForm. A team of eight
reviews the submissions in a Google Sheet. We send out email notifications
to proposers using MailChimp. Finally, we export the accepted proposals in
CSV format and import them into the CMS to create the online schedule.

Of all these pieces, the reviewing proposals component is the weakest
piece. It's not a lot of fun reviewing 50-odd proposals in a spreadsheet,
especially for some of the less techie members of the team. This is what
we’re looking to optimize.

So, I’m  looking for something to help us. Web applications, workflows,
whatever you've got.


Alex Armstrong
Web Developer & Digital Strategist, AMICAL Consortium
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