Just a quick line to share news of this set of NDSA Innovation Awards interviews with the DLF community as well! DLF is pleased to serve as the host organization for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance. NDSA’s annual Digital Preservation conference will once again follow the DLF Forum this October in Pittsburgh: https://www.diglib.org/forums/2017forum/ You can read more about NDSA (including how to join!) here: http://ndsa.org/ Bethany Nowviskie Director of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) at CLIR Research Associate Professor of Digital Humanities, UVa diglib.org<http://diglib.org> | clir.org<http://clir.org> | ndsa.org<http://ndsa.org> | nowviskie.org<http://nowviskie.org> | she/her/hers Begin forwarded message: From: Katherine Kim <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Subject: [NDSA-ALL] NDSA Innovation Award Interview Series Date: February 9, 2017 at 9:38:15 AM EST To: <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Reply-To: The NDSA organization list <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Hi everyone, Every year, NDSA recognizes and encourages innovation in the field of digital preservation stewardship through its Innovation Awards. We’re thrilled to announce our interview series with the 2016 winners! Check out Samantha Abrams’s Future Steward interview about the state of community web archiving and her advice for people entering the field here<http://ndsa.org/2017/02/01/ndsa-future-steward-on-community-web-archiving-an-interview-with-samantha-abrams.html>. We also recently spoke with two planning committee members of the Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners<https://midmichdp.wordpress.com/> group (MMDP), Nicole Garrett Smeltekop and Matt Schultz, to reflect on the group’s growth as well as to discuss new and exciting developments for their upcoming meeting in March! Read it here<http://ndsa.org/2017/02/08/innovation-sharing-and-knowledge-exchange-in-mid-michigan-an-ndsa-interview-with-mmdp.html>. We’ll be posting NDSA’s blog interviews<http://ndsa.org/blog/> with Jarrett Drake, Dave Rice, and Kim Christen (on behalf of the Tribal Stewardship Cohort Program) on Wednesdays! All best, Katherine -- Katherine S Kim Program Associate Digital Library Federation (DLF) at CLIR diglib.org<http://diglib.org/> | clir.org<http://clir.org/> | @CLIRDLF<https://twitter.com/CLIRDLF> ######################################################################## to manage your DLF-ANNOUNCE subscription, visit diglib.org/announce