Happy Friday! We have five new opportunities in this week’s jobs digest:


·         California Digital Library is hiring for two positions: a Shared Print Operations and Collections Analyst to coordinate existing and emerging shared print initiatives among the University of California Libraries as well as a Metadata Analyst to work collaboratively and creatively with the CDL’s Discovery and Delivery team to identify, assess, and address metadata management needs

·         Vanderbilt University seeks a Scholarly Communications Librarian to promote open access, open data, and open educational resources across the university

·         University of Delaware Library wants a Digital Scholarship Librarian to collaborate with and support faculty, students, and staff involved in digital scholarship  

·         The Chinese University of Hong Kong is looking for a Scholarly Communications Librarian to develop and implement a program of events and workshops to increase awareness and understanding of scholarly communication issues across the university, devise and implement a strategy for promoting the University’s institutional repository, and working closely with faculty liaison librarians


Good luck on the job search! Stay connected with #DLFjobs on our website and on Twitter. Want to post a job? Check out our jobs service.


All best,


Katherine S Kim

Program Associate

Digital Library Federation (DLF) at CLIR

diglib.org | clir.org | @CLIRDLF

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