Dear Colleagues,

Please excuse cross-posting and feel free to share this widely.

The deadline for SAA award nominations is fast approaching. We are hoping for a substantial slate of nominees to reflect the substantial, critical work in this area. Now more than ever we need to call attention to work that celebrates and supports a diverse, pluralistic, and inclusive profession and society.

Please nominate yourselves, your colleagues, or the leaders whose work you admire for the SAA 2017 Diversity Award

Eligible Nominees include any individual, group, or organization. Nominators and nominees need not be SAA members, but to encourage SAA member participation, preference may be given to SAA individual and/or institutional members.

Nomination requirements: a brief form and two letters of support submitted by Tuesday, February 28 to [log in to unmask] with the subject line Diversity Award.

Cecily Marcus
Cecily Marcus, Curator
Givens Collection of African American Literature
Performing Arts Archives
Upper Midwest Literary Archives

University of Minnesota Libraries
Archives and Special Collections
Elmer L. Andersen Library Suite 213
222-21st Ave. S.
Minneapolis MN 55455

Phone: 612 624-8812
FAX: 612 625-5525
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