Apologies for cross-posting!


NDSA has joined Mozilla Science LabDataRefugeDLF, and CLIR as a sponsoring organization for the first annual Endangered Data Week, held from April 17th-21st this year, which is in just a few days!


Join NDSA for an open call of the NDSA’s Standards and Practices working group on April 17, 1 PM ET! Attendees will hear from folks involved in DataRefuge and Endangered Data week, followed by open discussion. NDSA is an open community and all are invited to participate in this call:




Call Info

Date: Monday, April 17, 2017

Time: 1PM-2PM (EST)

Go to: https://www.uberconference.com/clir-dlf <https://www.uberconference.com/clir-dlf> or just call 202-750-4186. No PIN needed.


We invite your participation in Endangered Data Week, a distributed network of events running from April 17th-21st, 2017: http://endangereddataweek.org/




Katherine S Kim

Program Associate

Digital Library Federation (DLF) at CLIR

diglib.org | clir.org | @CLIRDLF