

The deadline for proposals for the ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group meeting at 2017 ALA Annual is fast approaching. Please submit your topics by 5:00 p.m. Pacific, Monday, May 1, 2017.

The ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group seeks proposals at the 2017 ALA

Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois.

Our program is scheduled for Saturday, June 24 from 3:00–4:00 p.m. and will feature two 20-

minute presentations as well as time for Q&A.

The initial stages of implementing preservation metadata can seem overwhelming. For this program, we welcome and encourage presentations on the process of developing local preservation metadata practices.

Proposal ideas might touch on (but are not limited to):

  *   Works in progress - Have you started to collect DP metadata? What have been the challenges?

  *   Establishing Pipelines - What standards have you set for different formats using ArchiveMatica, Preserverica or other tools?

  *   Preservation Metadata Minimums/Maximums - Determining what is the right amount of data to preserve.

  *   False starts, failed experiments and lessons learned

To submit a proposal, please provide your name, email address, and the title and abstract of

your presentation in the following Google form: <>

The deadline for proposals is 5:00 p.m. Pacific, Monday, May 1, 2017.

ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group Co-Chairs:

Daniel Johnson

Digital Preservation Librarian

University of Iowa

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Jenny Mullins

Digital Preservation Librarian

Dartmouth College Library

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