Dear everyone — we have lots of DLF Forum news on the way! Applications are opening this week for Forum fellowships — we're shortly starting "community voting,” our open feedback process on presentation proposals, to help inform our program committee’s decisions — and registration begins at the end of the week for the DLF Forum, our exciting pre-conference (being organized this year by the DLF Liberal Arts Colleges community in partnership with the HBCU Library Alliance), and NDSA's Digital Preservation 2017. It’s also membership renewals season at DLF and, new for this year, we are sending one free DLF Forum registration code to our primary contact person at each member organization. Use it or lose it by August 7th! (And please let us know if you need help figuring out who your institution’s main DLF contact is — my fabulous colleague Louisa Kwasigroch is happy to help: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.) With all that’s going on, we want to make sure you and your colleagues don't miss a thing. Sign up for our #DLFforum newsletter: and please forward this message to encourage interested folks to join DLF-Announce: After all, it’s only 146 days until the DLF Forum! (But who’s counting?) — Bethany Bethany Nowviskie Director of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) at CLIR Research Associate Professor of Digital Humanities, UVa<> |<> |<> |<> | she/her/hers [cid:[log in to unmask]] ######################################################################## to manage your DLF-ANNOUNCE subscription, visit