

Dear all,


Some NDSA members might be interested in contributing to a community discussion about digital preservation storage.


Last year in preparation for an iPRES2016 workshop called “What is Preservation Storage?”, a group of us collaborated on a potential list of criteria for digital preservation storage. It was also presented at the Designing Storage Architectures for Digital Collections 2016 meeting hosted by the Library of Congress, and briefly at the PASIG Fall 2016 meeting. Based on the feedback from these meetings, we produced a Version 2 of the criteria.


We are now sharing the revised criteria on several lists (apologies if you see this multiple times) – hoping to spark a broader community discussion about the criteria.


Please visit this google group to share your feedback (form) about the digital preservation storage criteria document.


We look forward to hearing from you!


DP Storage Criteria 2 contributors





Andrea Goethals

Manager of Digital Preservation and Repository Services

Harvard Library