

Hi all-

Registration is now open for a 1-day Code4Lib Northern California (NorCal) Unconference/meeting on August 10 at Lathrop Library, Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. You can read more info, propose a session, and register at this link: Registration is free, but space is limited. Please let me know if you have any questions, issues, or have to change your registration later. And please start proposing sessions for this meeting via the interactive schedule on our wiki page (here is a link directly to that schedule:

We hope you will take part in this meeting, which aims to be a great place to learn new skills, share ideas, and network with other library technologists from the region. The meeting is structured loosely around the “unconference” model, which encourages attendees to hold and run the activities. You can see, propose, and comment on our interactive schedule linked on our event's page: We hope you will add a lightning talk or a break out session, or express interest in attending a workshop or other there.


Code4Lib NorCal Organizers