

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Eric Hellman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> ...Also, the new CODE4LIB could grow and prosper based on its superior
> anarchistic management culture, then acquire CLIR/DLF, LITA and OLF. Then
> the end result would be the same.
> While we're at it, we could stage a hostile takeover of OCLC and then when
> a Kakistocratic Party decides to privatize LOC....

I'm glad Eric woke this topic up. Business processes aside, I think a good
long term plan needs to depend on something other than individuals and
organizations donating core resources and volunteering to assume all risk
and liability.

Becoming a nonprofit corporation that's a legal entity under federal,
state, and local law is a big deal with a significant ongoing time and
financial commitment. My personal sense is that given what c4l actually
does and how it operates, fiscal sponsorship as suggested by others would
be a better fit.

Time does funny things. A group that put together an "unconference" has
morphed into an organization (at least unofficially) that's largely built
around a conference. Anarchistic is not a word I would use to describe c4l.
Evolution is inevitable, and that's not a bad thing.
