It’s not too late to submit a lightning talk proposal to this year’s DLF Forum Pre-Conference!

On October 22 in Pittsburgh — just ahead of the 2017 DLF Forum — the HBCU Library Alliance and the Digital Library Federation's LAC community will host a one-day unconference on representation, information careers, digital library pedagogy, and the liberal arts. 

Our theme is digital libraries and library-based teaching as common mission / common ground between liberal arts colleges (LACs) and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). 

HBCU Library Alliance logoDLF Liberal Arts logo

How might digital libraries better represent diverse communities and experiences, and better support learners from minoritized groups? How can the teaching that librarians do now inspire students to future information careers and change the problematic demographics of our profession? How do we better nurture and sustain current information professionals from underrepresented groups? And can our digital collections-building more clearly assert the value of Black lives? 

This is an unconference, so most sessions will be generated based on participant interest, on the fly — but we are accepting formal proposals for a rollicking lunchtime round of lightning talks! These high-profile, high-energy 90-second presentations are a great way to share ideas and work-in-progress, or introduce your program or project to a new audience — and to get your name on the program. 

Proposals of up to 250 words should be submitted along with a max 50-word short abstract by midnight on August 7th All submissions will be reviewed by our DLF/HBCU Library Alliance Planning Committee. Presenters will be notified in August and guaranteed a registration slot for the pre-conference. 

However — registration is open now for the pre-conference, the DLF Forum, and NDSA's Digital Preservation 2017: Preservation is Political. Don’t wait to reserve your slot!

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