

The University of Michigan Library is seeking a Digital Pedagogy Librarian
to contribute to our evolving digital scholarship and consultation
programs. Our development of digital scholarship and consultation services
is part our strategy to reshape services and spaces to meet the future
needs of a student population and faculty whose demands are shifting in an
increasingly digital era.

The Digital Pedagogy Librarian partners with students, faculty, staff, and
librarians to enhance learning, teaching, and scholarship through
application of new technologies and emerging digital research methods
across disciplines, as well as critical engagement with library collections
and data. The Digital Pedagogy Librarian consults and teaches in-person,
online, and in hybrid learning environments to enhance exploration,
creation, and the sharing of scholarly work in our community. The Digital
Pedagogy Librarian may provide functional supervision of student employees.

More information and application available at

Alix Keener
Digital Scholarship Librarian
University of Michigan Library


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