

Do you (or your institution) archive the web? If so, how do you get training on the skills, tools and knowledge needed to do so effectively? What kind of training would you most like to have?


The International Internet Preservation Coalition (IIPC) has formed a Training Working Group to address these questions, and produce a web archive training curriculum for IIPC members, archivists and technologists engaged in web archiving worldwide.

The goal of this effort is to give people the critical “how to” information and skills they need for practical, effective web archiving. This will lead to more and better archives, and a larger and stronger field.

We invite all individuals and institutions engaged in web archiving to respond to a brief, 16-question survey:

The survey will be available from now through the end of January 2018. The results will help us both shape the training and to prioritize needs to target first. If you are interested in helping in this endeavor, you can read more about us here:

Many thanks, 

The IIPC Training Working Group




Abbie Grotke ~ Web Archiving Team Lead ~ Library of Congress

[log in to unmask] ~ @agrotke ~ 202-707-2833



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